Please see below weekly reflections.
Sunday 7th June
‘It has been presumed that the fundamental problem of human existence is mortality’
So says Sam Wells in his book, The Nazareth Manfesto. He goes on to say that the great strivings of modern life have been about overcoming physical limitations and pushing back the boundaries of mortality.
Sunday 31st March
The promised gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is rightly a big thing in Christian history and celebrated annually. Yet the account of gift given and received takes just four verses – one can sing (appropriately) ‘Happy Birthday’ in roughly the time it takes to read them…
the lord is a strong tower
Wednesday 27th May
We are daily reminded of the need to keep safe and to be safe if we need to go outside or go somewhere. We have a good idea of what that means – masks, distancing, hand washing etc – in practice even as the longer the lockdown continues the more frustrating it has or can become…
A reflection for the
7th Sunday of EasteR
Sunday 24th May
Imagine having someone you loved dearly and who loved you even more. But you never spoke to them and you never allowed them to speak to you because you were so worried about what to say and when to say it or how to say it.
A reflection for the
6th Sunday of EasteR
Sunday 17th May
Today is the Sixth Sunday of Easter and Jesus was soon going to leave his disciples, but he would also remain with them… How?